Public viewing on small screens

For screens and projection surfaces with a diameter of less than 3 metres

Licence for screens under 3 metres in diagonal

Provided you are showing the broadcast on a screen or projection surface under 3 metres in diagonal, Common Tariff 3a (CT 3a) applies.

If you are a SUISA customer and already have a licence for audiovisual use (films, videos, television broadcasts), no further action is required on your part, as this licence also applies to public viewings on screens or surfaces smaller than 3 metres in diagonal.

Please note, however, that a licence for audio use alone is not sufficient. This licence only covers background music, the reception of radio broadcasts and/or music on hold for your telephone line.

Details on the CT 3a, an overview of costs and the form to apply for the licence can be found at

How to proceed if you do not have a licence CT 3a from SUISA

Please complete the form and send it to us before the event. Once we have your application, we will issue the invoice for the use. The licence for the use is granted for the invoiced period against prompt payment of the invoice. Once your payment is received, we distribute the remuneration to the beneficiary composers, lyricists, and publishers.

Please note: For screen diagonals of 3 metres or more applies the Common Tariff 3c (CT 3c).